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MiYard Cyber Club Message Board Archive

Pleasantly surprised
Date: 9/29/08 5:30pm

What I am hearing is that the reason it did not pass is because so many Americans called their elected officials and voiced opposition. Let this be a lesson to us all and to watch the legislation and what your elected officials are doing and to ocntact them with support or when you are against something. They actually do listen to some degree.

Here is a great site to do that:

you can check legisltaion, congressional records, etc. The site is currently overwhelmed as americans are trying to get the copy of the bailout plan. I would suggest checking into what our elected officials had known about the current problems we face. Both sides been kicking can with these isssues for years. AND DID NOTHING. Both sides are to blame - check it yourself. For me, two guys need to go from both sides: Chuck Nagel - R - Neb and Chris Dodd - D - Conn. Both of these guys should be jailed. Dodd has been the chairman of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs in this 110th Congress, Nagel was the prior Chairman of the Committee in the 109th. This Committee has been sitting on reform bills to deal with the housing crisis. Check Senate Bills S. 1100, "Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2007" in the 110th record and S.190., "Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005" in the 109th Congress. Also look up realted information on the House Bills.