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Will the financial system recovers
By:delroy from miyardd
Date: 10/11/08 11:58am

He Cyber!
About two weeks ago I try to explain my thinking re the credit crisis facing the world.

At that time I was just trying to understand why the system is failing. Here is a very good explanation re this link, sent to me from a friend who I was trying to explain the problem with the monetary system..

Questions for us to try and answer are; how are true values going to be restored, who will be responsible for that? was bailing out the same people who cause the problems the right thing to do?

In the 90's when Jamaica had a similar problem the govenment did not bail out the institutions that cause the problems. They at that time saw it proudent to secure the savers, insurance policyholders, etc

Many of the financial experts in Jamaica includes the present government which was in opposition at he time had opposed the bailout.

The USA economy is the one that hold the present financial system together. It was done by the confidence that the world place in the USA financial system. Now that the USA financial system is having problem with confidence and trust. The problem is affecting the rest of the world

Confidence will return to the system but the big question is when. Some economies and individuals will have big problems surviving this uncertain period..

delroy from miyard