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RAY ....this one is for you
Date: 10/13/08 6:34pm

I have been reading your posts and wonder,
what are you thinking????

how can ANYONE support a McCain/Palin ticket
is so far beyond me that I choose not to argue it

it is of course your right to support whoever you choose
that team is honestly frightening to me
looks as if now
they can be equated with the same mentality as the KKK

or do you see nothing wrong with that either??

just looking back on some of the ways McCain addressed
Obama in the last

tell me

was it my imagination or did anyone else
feel he was just short of using the N word towards him?
this is a man you would feel proud of to run
the country you live in?

just what we need right now is more racist attitudes
as if we aren't in enough of a disaster!!!!

I have a book I would like to suggest
perhaps you know it
maybe you have even read it

it was suggested reading to me a while ago
a man named Johnnycakes,many of us long time
poster;s know who he is.....I would love to hear him
here again...he always had such good input

Rogue State
A Guide to the Worlds Only Superpower

author--William Blum

although I have not yet found time to read this book cover to cover what I have had time to read has reinforced how we live with such a wicked government

please Ray
take time to read it

then...come back and tell me what you think
about our government
we are a country that has caused such misery and suffering
for so many peoples lives
not in America alone...

it isn't a wonder for one second why we have this awful reputation with the rest of the world is it?

what do you suppose the world would feel about us now?

if again, we elect a man, who runs on the same ticket as the man who has just about destroyed this country...
along with the rest of the world
that same "GOP" mentality is not what we need right now
to get back in good graces worldwide

don't you see for one minute Ray that we would be the laugh of a lifetime..more than we already are

do I think Obama is the man who will save our country from all it's wicked ways?

Hell no!!
after all a politician is a politician

do I think he is the better of the two choices?
without a doubt

he is younger,he is open minded,he is so much more presentable than McCain

and...last...but surely not least
he doesn't have that bimbo hockey mom as his
Vice President

God help us all if she should EVER have to be in charge of our affairs my soapbox now

the suggested reading was really what I came here for

check it out Ray and after you do
come back and tell me what you think of our wonderful government