Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

A Negril Good Morning to you all

Hey Cyber!

A pleasant good morning to you all. This is the sunrise moment. The temperature is 74 and humidity is 75 degree. The sea is very calm. The morning so far have been a nice morning and if all thing remain the same we should have a very nice day.

We would like some rain. A kinda Negril rain. A Negril rain is an afternoon rain that does not fall for more than ten to fifteen minutes between 3 and 4 in the afternoon. This gave the plants enough time to look fresh and nice. While giving the air a sweet freshness that make you wanna say wow to yourself or any one near you knowing that the same freshness and cleanness of the air should be having the same effect on that person near you..

It is a pleasure to share this beautiful sunrise with you. As I alway say others have sunset we rise with the sun..

delroy from miyard