Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

JA$ to USD conversion site URLhere

at 115.34 to one today, I like the little graph which shows the last four months.

I used to go to another site, and it was accurate as long as you went to the 4% reduction column, cause that was what you got in foldy money on the island.

In Oct I got around J$110

The site rates vary dynamicly. What was 115.31767 suddenly is 115.28737

Trivia about the post office; Ever address an envelope to Negril, Westmoreland, Jamaica, WI and wonder it it would end up in Wisconsin? Seems our post office has a zip code for other countries.

00108-4000 is for Jamaica. They don't use zips on the island, except in Kingston where it is similar to "Brooklyn, 05, NY" like in the old days. (became 11205)

I say they don't use them, but there is a geopostcodes site which data for all parishes, and major (?) cities therein.

Negril JMDWD14

But personally, I think the guys in the Jamaica post office like holding each one up to the light instead of looking at a postal code. LOL.

Ever buy or use a local envelope? Not white paper but brown craft paper. Wonder if that is intentional, like using a LADA bag for anything you don't want your neighbor to know about.

When central Pennsylvania falls below zero degrees, (as just now), I'll post anything to avoid going outside.

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JA$ to USD conversion site URLhere
Re: JA$ to USD conversion site URLhere
Jamaica zip code