Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

Jamaican butterfly

Here's a Zebra Longwing butterfly that came by for a visit at Miyard. This subspecies is found in the West Indies, but other subspecies are found in the southern US, Central and South America and Mexico.

Did you know that Jamaican butterflies are one of the most studied butterflies in the West Indies? The definitive book on the topic is "Jamaica and Its Butterflies" by F. Martin Brown and Bernard Heineman.

Dr. Heineman and his wife began exploring and studying Jamaican butterflies in the late 40's and are credited for the discovery of many of the 133 known species of butterflies in Jamaica. (31 species are endemic to Jamaica, many of which live in Cockpit country.)

Mrs. Heineman also is credited with discovering many rare plants in Jamaica, including one plant native to Java. How did it get to Jamaica? Perhaps Capt. Bligh brought it?

This butterfly is a reminder of the vast array of flora and fauna in Jamaica, all of which is threatened by over-development of native habitats and other man-made threats. I hope that Jamaica will recognize its unique ecosystems and do what it can to protect them. (Most recently, bauxite mining operations seem to be sneaking into Cockpit Country, which is home to many of Jamaica's endemic animal and plant species.)

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Jamaican butterfly
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