Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

Re: Hello. Did U not get the memo?
In Response To: Hello???? ()

The memo said there is a work stopage as a form of protest for the 96 readers who refuse to post anything, leaving the six of us who actually take the time to entertain, inform, be a pain-in-the-neck, and ask questions.

Humor is entertainment, right? Sarcasim (all misspellings are intentional) is a form of humor if it is done right. It's downside is not realizing that saying "your mother wears combat boots" can actually be offensive to some when the intention is not clear. That's why someone invented the smily-face.)

Also, the lack of views on indented subject lines (more to the right = less people who bother, even though there are some real gems in those replies to replies.)

Gee whiz. Stop complaining. :)

And like the "good book" says, there is a time and place for everything. Me myself (is that good English?) posted a trip report on another board about my Dec 7-12 trip. It was labeled "trip report." Cleaver no? LOL

I could write another one, and post it here if you wish, about my Jan 5-25 trip, which was supposed to end on Jan 23 but the airlines had a thing about flying into 30 inches of snow so I stayed in Negril for 2 extra days, which was better than at the FLL airport. Partly because I would have brought only one change of underware along with my toothbrush. (suttle humor)

But who wants to read that my four barrels, which went out on Dec 2 (the 8th actually) arrived in Kingston on the 22nd according to my agent (xmas rush) and MoBay on the 29th but were not "stripped" from the container until the 18th, leaving me with only 3 days to empty the barrels.

Or the fact that I lost my yellow form from the airport and the young gal at Customs was sternly happy to assess me JJ$6700 per barrel. A lame excuse that I should have filed a police report (re the yellow form loss) was bogus/stupid and me being old and unprepared to discuss it, paid the fee. Hindsight is 20-20.

But the weather was mostly nice for the 3 weeks and did not involve the high humidity experienced in July.

Did find out a little more about the killing of my friend (street name King Dango) in December, which the family is trying to gather the J$139,000 for the funeral.

And the facts that some days/weeks there were a lot of "foreign" around town or walking on One Love Drive (aka the west end road) and at other times there were near none which makes it hard on the businesses thereon.

There was also a note from a Negril visitor Tom T of Michigan left at Jenny's restaurant but the phone number would ring twice and then go beep-beep and disconnect. Notes left with security at Blue Cave Castle may not have been delivered.

Western Union was paying 117.50 while the cambrio near burger king was converting at both 116 and 117.0 during my stay, while WU was consistant for the 3 weeks.

And lastly, grape jelly (I prefer jam) was unavailable at Hi-Lo and the Green Building markets, while I got the last jar at Value Master.

I did learn, however true, that giving J$120 for a one-zone taxi was the rule, one driver said it was J$130. But never make the mistake of giving J$150 because all you get is a thank you.

Oh, there was one bit of excitement. Across from Quality Traders (the green building) and young girl exited a car and walked towards the water, yelling back to the one guy following her "go away. I'm broke." He laughed it off and returned to the car. I surmise (assume) they picked her up and wanted "charter" fare for their white-plate taxi. Or something else.

After they left I walked over and yelled at a distance if she was OK, and she said yes, but I lamented (??) that I did not persue it and find out the facts or share some knowledge that Negril can chew-you-up and spit-you-out for the uninformed.

Avoid the bad and you'll have a good vacation, is my motto. She was too young for me but I do care for people. Except certain people who have their own agenda at anyones expense.

So, Barbw, don't get your knickers in a twist because I opt out of ...

It's usually the case where at this point I hit control-A on my keyboard and my text goes poof. That's another reason I sometimes do not post anything -- computer-finger error.

I'm still thinking of the 96 people who passively happy they do not post anything, or falsely believe that they can not contribute anything to this board.

Messages In This Thread

Re: Hello????
Re: Hello. Did U not get the memo?
Re: Hello. Did U not get the memo?
Ditto, & same back @ ya
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
Re: Hello????
How about a delicious Jamaican Breakfast!!!
View from the porch
Re: View from the porch