Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

21days,39days until insertflaghere

My schedule: Oct 9 for 3 days, Oct 29 for 6 days, Dec 12 for a month.

I think what I need is a go-fund-me page. LOL

The month is self evident. It takes 9 days to get in sync with the island, it is cold in PA, I visited Mom (97) last Xmas so this year is mine. Besides, while I liked Nov to Dec 15 for hotels were cheaper and the weather perfect, I don't do hotels anymore. (3rd bush on the right. lol)

End of Oct is because someone else is visiting, and it might work out with shipping barrels.

Early Oct is due to a friends wife will still be on the island; it has been 2 years since, so why not. No return is booked yet because of needing to decide which airline to use.

If I owe anyone a beer, let me know

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21days,39days until insertflaghere
Re: 21days,39days until insertflaghere