Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

Re: Going back to Port Antonio
In Response To: Going back to Port Antonio ()

On my very first trip to JA, we were traveling towards Port Antonio from Ocho Rios and came upon the most beautiful vista. We stopped to take some photos and were beset by young kids and a very thin woman with tiny baby wanting money for taking their pictures. It was quite overwhelming, but we took their pictures, took our own shots, which came out beautifully, gave them some money and left. We talked often about how beseiged we felt.

Years later, traveling along that same road, my friend and I were discussing despite how beautiful the view was, we didn't want to stop there again, when all of a sudden the friend who was driving (and had been on the first trip) said, this is beautiful and screeched to a halt. We yelled NO! But bfore we could stop him, our car was surrounded by the same kids, now teen agers and the same thin woman, sadly with yet another tiny baby. Again, we took their photos, as well as the scenic shots, gave them a little money and left.

I've not driven to Port Antonio from that direction since. I often wonder if we'd be overcome with its beauty and stop again and whether those same kids, now grown ups would still be there. Hopefully, the woman has stopped pro-creating.

There are many beautiful vistas in JA, but this is one of the most memorable ones, for sure. ;)

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Going back to Port Antonio
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for ABSOLUTELY sure !!!
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