Mi Yard Cyber Club Message Board

Re: Update an review of the Onelovedrive.com

Delroy: As only a tourist/visitor to Yard since I stopped living in Hanover in the early 90s, I would like to give another perspective of what some tourists may think on topics you raised-

Bear with me there's some background to my point to be made.

I went to a Wailers concert a couple weeks ago. People that had never been to Jamaica and probably would never spend a dime in Jamaica loved it. But a huge chunk of the crowd was people like me, longtime visitors (read spenders of dollars in Jamaica) that were not thrilled. The Wailers played well and the rythms were tight. They ought to be, these guys have been playing this same stuff for 30+ years. Most of us frequent or longtime Jamaicaphiles were disappointed there was no new music...at all. There was also no passion, no vitality, no commitment. To those of us well familiar, the vibe was a bunch of guys strumming and singing like well-oiled robots to get a paycheck. 2+ hours of cover songs, and the Bob Greeting recording from a live show in the 70s that was played to start the first set was particularly cheesy.

A lot of us, older folk and many younger folk that have been in the reggae/Jamaica scene expressed the same feeling that night- Bob Marley has been gone a long time and reggae/Jamaica is an ever-changing vibrant place that is alive NOW. Many younger people at that show, in particular, were hoping for some up to date happening vibes and EVERYTHING was from at least ten years before they were born. Yes, Bob Marley is recognized the world over. But so is Luke Skywalker and they are NOT lining up to buy his toys anymore. If you want to keep the tourist dollars coming you have to think about the new tourists and Negril captures a LOT of dunsa from the youth. Most of that is spent on the beach and to grab some of that action being modern caan hurt.

On the bus issue - I am out of the loop on this bus thing but if that bus is supposed to go up and down One Love Drive providing SAFE transport on the west end it could be a huge draw for west end businesses because every single message board, trip advisor, you tube, trip rater, you name it, on the internet, goes on and on about the traffic and safety issues of the west end. West End is becoming synonimous with traffic accidents/injury. The bus is a great idea if it is supposed to represent safe alternative transport, Yard style. Disney adopted the tram system in the 70s and it sure works for them. In three days I'll be riding motorcycle for a month in Negril but I intend to leave the Negril area on that bike by 8 am every day and return after dark and part of the reason is I don't want to ride bike on One Love Drive during peak hours, me, who rode my 90 mussy 10,000 miles back and forth pon west end road thru the 80s. It has a BAD rep for traffic now and much of what I hear is coming from locals warning me.

BEAUTY of site- I thought its current condition was a starter point, again, I'm out of the loop. DEFINITELY gray excel spreadsheets should NOT be the final product. The fonts are too small on these spreadsheets and they do not speak vitality / fun / vacation / life. They speak office cubicle, deadlines, stress. Colors, size, fancy fonts, and lots of links definitely should be the gui for the viewer, even if the underlayer is nothing but a spreadsheet format. Not just the hotels but really NONE of the pages ought to be gray spreadsheet formats.

The browsing wasn't slow for me at all but I think a LOT of that depends on the age/hardware of the browsing computer.

Hope this 3.25 cents provides food for thought.

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